Hot water Rawhide

Hot water Rawhide
What do you want to visit while in Bali Private villa seminyak, whether it's the beach, the mountains or the temple? if it is all the time you feel the natural therapies and relieve tired in the hot water bath Rawhide is located in Mangesta, Penebel, Kab. Tabanan. With a motor vehicle about 15 minutes to the north of the city of Tabanan.
Tabanan does have a number of hot springs, complete the selection of attractions in Bali travel accommodation, such as the presence of hot water Crossbones, besides sebaga place of recreation for body therapy as well as invigorating body terrace apenat, believed to be too hot water can cure various skin diseases. Well if you have a complaint a complaint with your skin and have been treated anywhere, then the hot water in Tabanan can be used as an alternative treatment.

Privileged hot water Crossbones in Tabanan
Every tourist has advantages and privileges that make visitors interested and even to be back in the following days. Air fitting Rawhide is located in the middle of a paddy field, well, if you visit at the time whether join the tour in Bali Cheap hotel accommodation or come with their own private vehicles, treats views of rice terraces in this Mangenta presenting enough coolness atmosphere and entertain your eyes.
Tabanan is dubbed the rice granary of Bali and has a view of the rice terraces, as also presented in attractions Jatiluwih, Pupuan and also Antosari. You can visit these sights with car rental in Bali or join a package tour and continued to visit the hot water Crossbones.
Besides the natural beauty that served, of course the warmth of the hot water Crossbones is the main destination when travel to this place, be it as a body therapy or cure skin diseases, a combination of natural scenery and the source of the spring water is the main attraction.
Other privileges. This spring does not smell of sulfur, is very different from the hot springs in the other place that smells of sulfur / sulfur sting. At the location provided ponds that can be used for bathing, or can use the showers there, to feel the natural massage of the shower water splash.
Access to the hot water Crossbones
If you are in the Kuta area, it took about 60 minutes drive. The journey to the city of Tabanan, Tabanan proceed from about 15 minutes to directions to attractions Jatiluwih. Until the parking lot of hot water in the District Penebel Crossbones this, we had to walk about 100 meters, the streets laid out nicely.
Along the way this leg, treats rice terraces you can watch, if you are lucky you can witness the activities of the farmers cultivate land pertanianya, including the procedures watering / irrigation called Subak, especially when the rice plants turn yellow or green overlaid.
Enjoy your Bali cheap accommodation travel with a variety of beauty and uniqueness on every trip your tour, so that your holiday was more colorful, especially if the beloved spouse or your loved ones.
Attractions in keeping with hot water Crossbones
Scheduled tour to visit the water this summer, you can bundle with a visit to other attractions, so the full-day trips either when the rental car tour in Bali or you could be efesian. If your hotel in South Bali region, a number of other popular tourist attractions in traveling in the direction towards or after the hot water Crossbones such as a butterfly garden, Jatiluwih, botanical gardens Bedugul, Lake Beratan Bedugul, Alas Kedaton and finally watch the sunset at Tanah Lot.


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