
Showing posts from March, 2017

Ngruen Beach | the virgin beach in Gunungkidul Yogyakarta

A friend asked me about the virgin beaches in Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta. Looks like the use of the word virgin itself in my opinion is taboo because it concerns gender. Maybe it's better to use the term virgin beach course that does not always use the term virgin. So where virgin beaches in Gunung Kidul? If the criterion is still pristine and untouched natural human alias may not exist at all. But if the criterion is still natural, hidden and rarely visited by humans (pedestrian) of course there are. In the dictionary of my trip, virgin beaches in Bali Accommodation Seminyak Gunung Kidul so far there is only one, namely the beach in the village Ngruen Krambilsawit, Saptosari, Gunung Kidul, D.I. Yogyakarta. My trip this time departing from fad to me and buddy walkers to explore the beaches in the village Krambilsawit, Saptosari. The village beach beauty store is not known by many walkers. When I asked for some residents in the village of Jetis, Saptosari (in large roadside

natural attractions such as the Rural Europe in travel terminal Graphic Cikole Bandung

Some time ago the team instagram piknik_asik get tagged a photo of one follower. If the note is almost similar at first glance with a rustic feel in europe. But after reading its caption. it turns out it is a landscape photo graphic nature Bali Accommodation Seminyak Cikole Bandung. graphic cikoleatau travel more known by the Travel Terminal Cikole Graphic, is a natural tourist destination located in the hilly area of ​​9 hectares and is located at an elevation of 1,400 masl. Travel Cikole graphic nature surrounded dense pine forests and green, so that the air temperature during the day only reach about 20 degrees Celsius. And if the night Cikole graphic nature have a temperature varying from 5 degrees Celsius. A hidden paradise in Bandung is located in the path of travel which is heavily exposed in Bandung. namely nature tangkuban boat and nature Bali Tour Activity Ciater Hot Spring. Nature tourism Bandung graphics Cikole located on Jl Raya Tangkuban Perahu km 8. Cikole villa