
Showing posts from February, 2017

Enjoy The Beauty Nature Tourism Bidadari Waterfall in West Java

Bidadari waterfall is a famous waterfall that is beautiful and unique, situated in a valley below the hills and created a water park facilities for playing children - children. A hidden paradise in West Java that have not been published to Bali Accommodation Seminyak the fullest The origin of why this waterfall at the waterfall called nymphs. Because if it rains came and after that the sun appears so often seems a rainbow in this waterfall. Local residents believe that Pelang imerupakan bridge of heaven that passed the 7 nymphs to bathe in the lake. Bidadari waterfall water source comes from a collection of natural springs located in the protected forest, because the flowing water is very clear / clear and fresh. The waterfall is falling into a natural pool. Be in the call waterfall angel or angel waterfall Sundanese language. Actually this dibogor nature has long been a tourist place approximately 10 years ago, but only crowded visited by tourists after high waterfall near 40

Soak sensation in the Blue Lagoon springs water Sleman

Want to enjoy the charm of nature in Yogjakarta are cheap, you can visit the Blue Lagoon. It is located in the area of ​​Sleman Yogyakarta. The location was located away from the hustle of the city. Rustic atmosphere will certainly beautiful and comfortable you feel when visiting the Blue Lagoon. Blue Lagoon is a travel water formed naturally. The shape of the niche or kedung surrounded by natural rocks in the vicinity. Its location is situated in the village of Dalem where the village is never a lack of water can even be Bali Accommodation Seminyak said to have abundant water. Blue Lagoon is actually formed from water coming from the spring which then forms a center of information gathered. In this village there are three springs that become the foundation of life of local communities. Three springs will be named Spring Lanang (son), Belik artocarpus camansi and Spring Wadon (daughter). Spring wadon itself a special bath for women. The bathhouse is in the form of a small pool