
Showing posts from May, 2016

9 Places in Sukabumi Make Holidays More Exciting

9 Places in Sukabumi Make Holidays More Exciting Spent the weekend would be something very eagerly awaited. Especially if you're the kind of employees who struggle daily with the routine of work. Well, for those who live in Bandung and Jakarta, Sukabumi seemed to choose as a vacation spot at the weekend. So, what must place you go when he got in Sukabumi? It's her choice tourist attractions that can make your weekend getaway even more enjoyable. Turkish Cibangban The beach this one situated ten kilometers from Pelabuhan Ratu with paths that can be taken through Cisolok. From Pelabuhan Ratu, you only need an hour to get to this place. Characteristics of the waves quieter compared to Pelabuhan Ratu create a holiday atmosphere on the beach so is more soothing. For the venue, you can find some of the cottages there. river Citarik For you lovers of white water rafting, flying fox, paint ball, team building, and the type of game, then do not miss the holiday in Sukabumi without visit

Let Play in Library Flower Garden Flower City

Let Play in Library Flower Garden Flower City Citra Bandung as the Flower City is getting hit after emergence Flowers Garden Library. Formerly known as the flower garden garden Cilaki and poorly maintained. But now we can find thousands of flowers to decorate various types of this park. This park was deliberately intended that the meaning of Bandung as the Flower City back resound again. Yuk Main Library Flower Garden Flower City The flower garden is so called because it is this park will be a kind of library of interest. The park is intended to be an encyclopedia of interest because it would contain about 100 thousand of interest in this place. This place was once indeed less structured. Parks Cilaki initially overgrown by huge trees relic of the Netherlands. Today, the park became more organized with their flowers and structuring of the maximum. With neatness park is expected that residents became a frequent visitor to this park. As a library of interest, then the Flower Garden Libra

This He 4 Recommendations Holidays Around North Bandung

This He 4 Recommendations Holidays Around North Bandung Vacation around North Bandung gave natural attractions of beautiful and fascinating. Number of attractions frequented by tourists while on vacation include Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Juanda Tahura, Lembang, Curug Panganten and Flower. Infrastructure to the area of ​​North Bandung adequate. Roads in this area has been smooth, the electric street lighting and gas stations are already available. Accommodation in this area is available in sufficient quantities such as hotels, inns, restaurants and rest area. Some of the attractions that need to be visited while in North Bandung include Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Maribaya, Tahura Juanda, Flower Cihideung and Curug Cimahi. This He 4 Recommendations Holidays Around North Bandung Holidays in North Bandung nuanced about education is Tahura Juanda. Forest park is to collect different types of trees such as pine, teak, mahogany, pine and kaliandra. In the Tahura Juanda can be found also many kinds